15 / 04
5–6.30 PM
Student Center / Semicircular Hall of the &TD Theater
Ticket price:
5 € | 37,67 kn
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Kazalište &TD

Trio Eusebius

Choosing the Semicircular Hall of the &TD Theater in the Student Center as the stage for an anthological chamber program of Saariaho and Detoni, but also for the more recent pieces by Manuela Kerer and Tomislav Oliver, may seem unconventional. Culturally and artistically important, but more often associated with the alternative scene, the hall of the &TD Theatre can count on its chamber and intimate character working to its advantage – something that a more classical venue could not provide. In this sense, the young Trio Eusebius has undertaken a complex task that would traditionally be entrusted to a more experienced and long-established group - if we assume that the experience itself is enough to be able to successfully present the chamber and intimate atmosphere of these exceptional compositions. However, this ensemble, set up under the mentorship of Professor Pavle Zajcev, has already proved suitable for the carefully chosen program.

A program which is truly diverse; interwoven with dichotomies or triangles and wrapped in secular as much as in spiritual (but not sacral) themes. Detoni’s composition, by confronting polyphony and harmony, harmony and melody, vocal and instrumental sound and so on, examines the binary perception in the history and theory of music. Manuela Kerer’s triangle of infernal beasts relies on adulterous episodes from Haydn's life, brought, according to the composer, to a rocky chromatic ground. Contrary to Kerer’s musically shaped basic instincts, Saariaho and Nemtsov contemplate infinite spaces. The former does so using light, shadow, matter and corporality as an example in the interplay of tempos and textures, while the latter abandons existing languages in favor of different, quasi-universal phonemes in order to transcend language and national barriers. The pieces are preceded by an instrumental trio, the first movement from the Phoneme cycle to be performed by the Trio Eusebius, which serves as their worthy introduction. In addition to the above, Tomislav Oliver’s Nocturnal Mosaic will also be performed. A piece commissioned by the chamber music festival “Julian Rachlin and friends”, which was held in Dubrovnik for more than twenty years.

Trio Eusebius:
Eva Šulić Brajčić, violin
Tonka Javorović, cello                               
David Vuković, piano                               
Kaija Saariaho, Light and Matter, for piano trio
Manuela Kerer, Bestie Infernali!, for piano trio
Tomislav Oliver, Nocturnal Mosaic, for violin, cello and piano
Sarah Nemtsov, [love] – the first movement from the “PHONEME” cycle  
Dubravko Detoni, They Call Me Tryor, for piano trio