As part of this year’s MBZ program section dedicated to installations, under the curatorial supervision of visual artist Sara Salamon, the connection between art and ecology and the relation between the human factor in general, whether artistic or everyday, and the self-renewal of nature is explored. New-media artists Luana Lojić and Tin Dožić will thus repeat their audiovisual performance and/or ambient installation panacea /( Songs and Drink, presented for the first time in Pogon Jedinstvo in 2019, in order to give a voice to players who are quite unusual in artistic concepts – the forces of nature, micro-organisms and their habitats – in a new context.
Lojić and Dožić, together with biologists and qualified experts, and through extensive field and lab work, conducted research on contaminated soil and water at several sites in and around Zagreb, with a focus on the bioremediation process – stimulation of the growth of existing micro-organisms to consume and break down pollutants in specific habitats. By placing their installation under the Jadranski most, the authors crawl into the nooks and crannies of the city where the dynamics between the human factor, pollution and micro-organisms is the most intense, and listening to nature the most necessary. Through multichannel video displays of micro-organisms and their habitats and the development of experimental sound, they in fact show different perceptions of nature’s micro-motions and invite us to think about alternative forms of environmental action.